Where to begin...I'm pregnant!!:) That statement explains a lot. We found out we were pregnant the Monday before I turned 6 weeks. At first it was good and then about week 8 I got into a funk. I had no motivation to do ANYTHING (clean, cook, computer related, phone related, TV, on and on). I definitely made myself take care of the boys, and thankfully Josh only went to two 10 min formations a day for about 2 weeks. I had evening/night sickness and was usually in bed by 8 so I wouldn't have to deal with it. Now, I am 15 weeks and feeling 99% better. I wake up after about 10 hours of sleep, get all my "chores" done before lunch, feed the kids take a nap, naps usually last about three hours while Liam sleeps and Charlie watches a movie in my bed. By the time I get up Josh is usually getting home from work(gets off at 4) cook dinner and ready to go to bed by 9:) It's a pretty good system, although writing it all out sounds really lazy..but hey, I'm Pregnant:)
In other news, Josh is in his new unit. He is currently learning Spanish, and doing really well. His motivation and diligence is very inspiring. Goes in at 9 and home by 4 which is really nice! I am very thankful God called him to this job.
The boys are doing good. Charlie will be starting school in Sept and he is super excited. He is such a big helper and I am so thankful to have him as my oldest. He understands that I am pregnant and seems to have so much compassion towards me not feeling well or having any motivation, truly a gift from God. Liam is starting to talk a lot more and in sentences which is nice and super cute...A few of his favorites are "I can't get it." (even when he can) and "I got my bottle." He also says "yay" when he does something I tell him too..I love this age!
The boys and I are going to the beach in two weeks with my side of the family, and I am looking forward to it. Josh isn't able to go which is sad but he is totally supportive of us going. I love being able to participate in family vacations. It's hard living far away and missing out on weekend visits.
Well that's pretty much the update. Time to go to bed:)