It's been a while since I blogged but as the day draws nearer to my precious little girl, Bethany Jane's, birth, Mom said I should blog about yesterday and today. So, here goes. Yesterday, I went to my OB appointment and I am happy to report that I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced! Because of this, my Mom decided to come on up in hopes that I would go on into labor and Bethany would come. I am only hoping Bethany doesn't decide stay put for several more days because Mom won't be staying if she hasn't come by Tuesday. I say Tuesday because I have an appointment scheduled 8:40 AM that morning. Mom will stay to hear what the doctor has to say before deciding whether to head home to continue the wait. I am hoping that Bethany decides to come before my appointment. But if I do make it then, at least, I hope I get some good news that will keep Mom here!
With that said, today I am having very irregular contractions and still NO Bethany. Yes! I know she WILL come soon BUT the sooner the better! Anyway, while waiting for something to happen my Mom and I made this mobile for Bethany's room. Okay - it was mostly Mom but I DID push pin holes through the circles so she could thread them AND I kept her company. That has to count for something - right? Besides, I AM VERY PREGNANT so even pushing a pin through a piece of card stock paper takes a LOT of effort. I posted a picture of the mobile for all to see.
Well, that's about all this preganant girl has to blog about tonight because I am tired and I want to get some rest in case Bethany decides to come tonight. Hopefully, my next blog will be to tell you that she is here!