So a little background to catch you up to speed....While Josh was gone to his month long training in April I went to Thomasville to spend time with the family. Shortly before I left my mom and I talked about losing weight and helping each other, well last week she calls and tells me she has lost 11 pounds...UMMM HELLO!! Way to go Mom, not so much on the way to go Alison:( I have only lost 2 pounds since we decided to start this weight lost thing. So that day I knew something had to change and I needed to get my butt in gear. I couldn't let me my mom out do That night my friend invited me to Yoga! It was a lot of fun and hard and relaxing and nice to get away and be by myself! I thought I could totally get use to this and on my way home I prayed that God would give me the motivation and the desire to workout and eat right. Well the next day I went on a run/walk..I ended up running a mile and walking 3. It was AWESOME. I had on this cool shirt that had a nifty little pocket that held my MP3 player perfectly. While I was on this run/walk I took the time to hear and mediate on God. I put my MP3 on shuffle and prayed that every song would be God picked. Well about half way through I was getting tired and then this song came on called "You Are for Me" by Kari Jobe..I just have to say WOW! It was just what I needed. The song in a nut shell is what the title is, about how God is for me. I don't think I have felt the presence of God so strong in a long time. God was answering my prayer, prayer to get serious and have help losing weight. But in the bigger picture I felt like God was telling me that He is there and that He cares, even about the little things, like losing weight, and all I have to do is pray and ask. Which is something I have been struggling with. I of course pray but when I ask for things I don't really feel like I deserve the wants and the needs that I have, so I usally just pray and then not really expect them to be answered. Of course I don't deserve anything, but thankfully God isn't a God that gives us what we deserve. He is a gracious, loving, merciful, caring God and that is what I am being re-taught, and I say re-taught because I know, but sometimes I let the world and satan cloud what I know. And as I sit and write this out I see that I am definitely being tested this week (who knew blogging could be an eye opener). Just today I gave into my circumstances and didn't pray, but at the end of the day God worked it, and all is well and good! And as far as the weight loss, I have been doing REALLY good. I've been working out and eating right, which is definitely making me feel better about myself:) and showing me know that God is still with me and for me. It's a great feeling!
Now I'm off to pray that Josh will come home or atleast call me...Oh Army!! :)
I love when God shows me he cares for me in the smallest things!! So happy for you. Thanks for sharing this and I hope you see the results you're looking for!