Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's been an ok weekend.

Josh had CQ(24hour watch of the single soldier buildings) on Saturday which started at 9 am and went til 9 am on Sunday. He'll sleep all day so not really a weekend spent with him. He did get ordersOn Thursday to a new unit so he won't have to do CQ for awhile! He's new unit is a training unit for the job he'll do for the rest of his time in the Army, which we are pretty sure will be until he is able to retire. As of right now we are set to move at the end of next year to FL,  Fort Walton Beach area, so I am ok with him making this a career :) All given over to God!

Liam has not be sleeping good at night or taking very long naps, and it's been wearing me out. I changed him to a toddler bed because he climbed out of his crib onto the dresser and I thought that meant time for a toddler bed. It's been about two weeks but I am thinking that he doesn't feel comfortable in the toddler bed. So today I put the crib back together and made sure I didn't put anything beside it that he could climb on to. Trial and Error, right? I am hoping this gets him back to his 12 hour nights and 3 hour naps!

This made me lol...While I was putting the crib together Smokey(the dog) and Charlie were down stairs. Charlie came up and I asked him what Smokey was doing, and he said, "He has to get his tail." hahaha. Smokey loves chasing and getting in weird positions to get his tail. Funny how Charlie worded it.

Today (Sunday) the kids and I went to church. Pastor Michael Fletcher is doing a 4 week series on Questions. Today was the first one I went to, it was pretty good. He is a really good preacher, really down to earth and real! With all the talk of Jesus coming back yesterday he made a short comment about it that I thought was really good. He qouted Matthew 28:18-20  Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” He said I don't think Jesus wanted us to sit and calculate when He's coming back, rather go and share Him with everyone we know...good point huh? 

Well I guess it's time to go, Liam is awake.

1 comment:

  1. Ft Walton is the area my family lived in before we moved to Thomasville. My sister is a realtor there and can help you with housing if you need her. Also, there are several great churches over there.
